Sunday, January 11, 2009

My career start-up

I started as an Advertising Artist.

Leo Burnett Advertising Agency Philippines
I was a former Visualizer/Advertising Artist of Leo Burnett Advertising Agency Philippines. I was not into computer than (manual design only) so I was not able to document my earlier works. I was part of the creative team and my works were part of visual presentation for various multinational advertising campaign:
- Pepsi
- 7-up (Fido Dido)
- Bancnet (Philippine Banks' ATM network)
- Insular Life Philippines
- Procter and Gamble (some laundy soap and shampoo products only)
- Lucky Me (noodles)
- Others

I am a junior then and I only assist the Art Director in producing visuals for presentation: Point of purchase materials (POP); Print Lay-out for Newspaper advertisement; Magazine Advertisement; Billboard design; others.

Ace Saatchi and Saatchi Advertising Agency Philippines
I was an Aprentise and I finished my required 100 hours training in this advertising agency. I was fortunate because although I was just a senior student then, they allow me to perform as if I was one of them. I was assigned at Marketing Support wherein I performed for various conventions for multinational companies (e.g. Toyota Philippines held in PICC; Purefoods convention; and a lot more)

Metropole Department Store
I am too eager then to learn. From this firm, I was exposed to various commercial arts and window displays. Basically, I did many of the graphic requirement although I am still a student then. I was given a break by the head of the department producing artworks and display.

C.O.D. Department Store
On this firm I was taught of hardwork. My humble beginning started in the gift wrapping section.

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